I appreciated the article by Stager that he shared with us and I have used it this week as a jumping off point. I went through his page and found an article about 1:1 Computing which was actually about the effectiveness of teaching keyboarding skills in the late 1980's. The summation of the article sounds very similar to our discussion we are having around using personal devices within the classroom in today world.
If we replaced the word keyboard with device the statement still stands as in today's culture.
There is widespread agreement that elementary school students need keyboarding skills. Whether keyboard familiarization is sufficient or whether students need touch typing skills depends on the nature of the school’s language arts and computer education curricula.
There is widespread agreement that elementary school students need their own device skills. Whether device familiarization is sufficient or whether students need touch typing skills depends on the nature of the school’s language arts and computer education curricula.
With statements like this I am starting to ask myself, why isn't there a technology component into curriculum? With the ever evolving state of technology why are we not required to be teaching with it? Society obviously demands the upgrades as we can never have one device for much more than 4-5 years before it becomes obsolete. I would like to think that with a statement from Stager's article on keyboard typing is so connected to using our digital devices in school that it would have become a priority to the curriculum designers at this point. On the other hand is it possible that technology really isn't that important and we don't have to teach with it to ensure the student's are learning the curriculum. I know I was able to get through the curriculum just fine into the early 2000's.
With all the research I have done in the last number of classes and throughout this specific one almost every article shows that engagement increases with technology but the overall grades/marks/understanding the outcomes is not increasing at the same rate, but there is only ever a minimal improvement if there is one at all.
One of our catch phrases lately has been Collaboration and if you have followed me on my technology journey you will know that I try to incorporate and teach through this method as much as possible. But my new found friendly neighbourhood blogger (Stager) has a great article on this topic. I feel that collaboration is a method that helps me get through the curriculum at a faster rate while encouraging more participation from all the students. Stager has a very different view of how we should be collaborating. As I read his article I laughed for the most part, both at the article and also at myself because many of the things he was satirically writing about were the things I am doing to be an engaging teacher, and using collaboration to engage my students more... Maybe I need to rethink how I am encouraging and designing my collaborative groups....
Cooperation and collaboration are natural processes. Such skills are useful when the creative process benefits from interdependence. The best collaboration mirrors democracy when individual talents, knowledge, or experiences are contributed to produce something larger than the sum of its parts. Work with your friends. Work with people you trust. Work with people who have different skills or expertise. If that doesn’t produce the result you desire, you will find others to collaborate with. That is how you learn to collaborate. You may teach it, but the students will not stay taught.
So what do I do from here. I am certainly feeling juxtaposed in between my desires and what is actually important. The important pieces are ensuring the curriculum is taught. That is my job. I have to get through the grade 8 Math, Science, and ELA curriculum's next year regardless of what mode of transportation I use, be that pen and paper, technology, or pencil crayons on cardboard. I do not think the Ministry of Education will care as long as my students are "learning" the curriculum. My desire is to go paperless. To do so, I need to supplement my classroom with out of school devices. Within our division we are allowed 1 Google Chromebook for every 5 students from grades 5-8 and 1 iPad for every 3 students from grades 1-4.
With the outcome based evaluating I feel that I am able to determine how a student is doing with the more written language, or produced materials they can show me. Through using these Chromebooks I am able to monitor and track how much my students are doing as long as they are using their board approved username and password. (The more I think of what I want the more I feel like I'm becoming Big Brother in Wells' distopian world). With using the technology I have at my disposal I am able to ensure those students who struggle with organization will at least have a searchable document when I am helping them, also those students who are functioning at a higher level will be capable of extending their learning and dive deeper into topics of their own inspiration.
When looking at the question of why use/teach with technology, I am thinking about Postman's article we read in an earlier class around technological change. Reflecting on that article we need to be reminded (especially about his stance on the purpose behind the technology)
there is embedded in every great technology an epistemological, political or social prejudice. Sometimes that bias is greatly to our advantage. Sometimes it is not.As long as we are focus on using technology to improve the quality education for our students, it is of benefit. If we are choosing to use technology because it is easier for the educator, or it is only 'more engaging', but not providing evidence of improved understanding, then we need to re-evaluate how/why we are using this technology.
I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks of this class, as I am working on a document, and my final blog post as to how I plan on implementing the BYOD within my classroom, along with what specific apps and tools I plan on utilizing to provide a paperless classroom next school year.